




        本学期将于2010年7月1日(周四)结束,下学期继续学习的同学请于2010年5月31日(周一)---6月4日(周五),带好学费4000元人民币、护照、2张照片(护照照片尺寸)到ICCS 204办公室尹老师处办理学籍及签证延长手续。



(1)下学期打算住在学校宿舍的所有同学(包括目前正住在宿舍的同学),在办理学籍延长手续的同时(5月31日至6月4日),必须到ICCS 206尤老师处办理申请或延长住宿手续。没有提前预订的同学,下学期不能住在学校的留学生宿舍。

Notice for Study & Visa Extension

1. Study & Visa Extension

This semester finishes on July 1, 2010(Thursday). ICCS will process study and visa extension from May 31, 2010 (Monday) to June 4, 2010 (Friday). Students who want to extend study for next semester should bring RMB 4000 (as a part of the tuition fee for next semester), passport and 2 photos (passport-photo size) to Room 204, ICCS.
* Fee is non-refundable.
* Students who must have medical check-up to extend the visa should extend their study as early as possible.
* 10% of the tuition fee can be waived for those students who will continue their study for their third semester (not including the undergraduates).

2. Dormitory Reservation & Check-out

(1) All students who need a dormitory on campus for next semester, including those who are now living in the dormitory, are required to reserve dormitory from May 31, 2010 (Monday) to June 4, 2010 (Friday) in Room 206, ICCS. Without room reservation, it is not allowed to live in the dormitory on campus next semester.
(2) Students who do not continue to study for next semester are required to leave the dormitory before July 5, 2010 (Monday). Please make due arrangement for check-out.

International College of Chinese Studies
Shanghai Normal University
May 2010