由于学校单人间宿舍数量有限,现将预定下学期单人间宿舍的方法通知如下: 现定于2013年12月7日(周六)上午11:00在体育平台 门口(如遇下雨,请到体育平台 206办公室门口排队等候)发放预定下学期单人间宿舍的预定号。预定号数量有限,领完即止。 拿到预定号的同学请务必在2013年12月9日(周一)上午8:00-10:00到体育平台 206办公室办理单人间预定手续,过期不办理,视为自动放弃。 请各位需要预定单人间的同学相互转告。 The Notice about the Reservation for Single Rooms (Next Semester) The number of the single rooms in our university is limited. The method of reservation for single rooms (next semester) is as follows: The tickets of reservation numbers will be given out at 11:00a.m., December 7, 2013 (Saturday) at the gate of ICCS(If it rains, please line up outside the Room206 ICCS). The tickets are limited. As soon as all the tickets are given out, please do not wait at the gate of ICCS any more. The students who have got the tickets of reservation numbers, please make sure to go to Room 206, ICCS to finish the reservation procedure from 8:00a.m. to 10:00a.m., December 9, 2013 (Monday). If the reservation procedure is not finished during the time above, the single rooms will not be kept any more. Please tell each other this notice. 体育平台