



本学期将于2014年7月4日(周五)结束,下学期希望住在学校(外宾楼、学思园、国教)的同学请办理学籍延长及住宿预订手续。为了避免学生们排队预订住宿,体育平台 将给予已付一年学费的学生以及一年校际交流生和本科生优先预订宿舍的权利。具体延长手续如下:


请已付一年学费的学生、校际交流生以及汉语言本科生(不含中国政府奖学金、孔子体育平台 奖学金、上海市政府奖学金A奖的奖学金生、预科生、西北大学学生)于2014年6月2日8:00至5日18:00(周一至周四),登陆// (用户名为学号,初始密码是8位数字的出生年月)申请预定宿舍。没有按时登陆系统预定宿舍的同学,将视为放弃校内宿舍。


请务必于2014年6月6日(周五)持学生证和护照到ICCS 206室延长学籍,查看签证及确定下学期的班级。并确认网上住宿预订是否成功。不来ICCS206确认的学生住宿预定将被取消。最后可自行登录// 查询房间预订状态。

备注:可预定学生名单另附,如有疑问,请至ICCS 206室咨询。

联系电话:64322824 64322452
E-mail: sabasportvip.com



Notice for Study Extension & Room Reservation
(For Students who have already paid the tuition fee for next semester,
exchange students & undergraduate students)

This semester will finish on July 4th, 2014(Friday). Students who want to live on campus (Wai Bin Lou, Xue Si Yuan, Guo Jiao) next semester should extend your study and reserve your dormitories in advance. In order to avoid our students lining up for room reservation, ICCS will give the priority of room reservation to the students who have already paid the tuition fee for next semester, exchange students & undergraduate students. Following is the specific procedure of study extension & room reservation.

Step 1 — Login the room reservation system:
The students who have already paid the tuition fee for next semester, exchange students & undergraduate students (excluding students who have got China Government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, Shanghai Government Scholarship(Class A), Undergraduate Preparatory students & students from Payap University, Thailand) are required to log on the following website: // (user name: student number; initial password: student’s birthday ****(Y)**(M)**(D), e.g. 19920831) to apply for the room reservation from 8:00 June 2nd,2014(Monday) to 18:00 June 5th ,2014(Thursday). Students who don’t login the room reservation system on time are considered as giving up the dormitories on campus for next semester.

Step 2 — Extend study & Confirm room reservation:
Please make sure to go to Room 206, ICCS to extend your study & visa, confirm the class you will be in next semester on June 6th, 2014(Friday)with your student ID card and passport. And we will also help you to confirm if your room is reserved successfully. The room reservation will be cancelled if you don’t come to confirm it on time. After all the procedures, students can log on the following website: // to track the state of room reservation by yourselves.
Note: The name list of the students who have the priority of room reservation is attached below. If you have any question, please come to Room 206 ICCS to consult us.

Tel:64322824 64322452
E-mail: sabasportvip.com

International College of Chinese Studies (ICCS)
Shanghai Normal University (SHNU)
May 25, 2014

학기연장 및 기숙사예약 안내
(1년치 학비를 미리 지불한 학생; 학교 단위 1년 교환학생; 본과생)

2014년 봄 학기는 2014년7월4일(금) 종료됩니다. 다음 학기 학기연장 및 기숙사 신청을 받습니다. ICCS에서는 다음에 해당하는 학생들에게 기숙사 예약을 우선적으로 할 수 있도록 합니다. 1. 1년치 학비를 미리 지불한 학생 2. 학교 단위 1년 교환학생 3. 본과생

가. 기숙사 예약

2014년6월2일8:00~5일18:00 //에서 기숙사예약을 하시기 바랍니다. 제 시간에 예약 하지 않을 경우 학교 내 기숙사를 포기한 것으로 간주합니다.

나. 학기연장 및기숙사예약을 재확인

2014년6월6일 (금)여권, 학생증 등을 소지하고 ICCS206실로 학기연장 신청 및 기숙사예약 재확인을 하시기 바랍니다. 그렇지 않을 경우 예약이 취소될 수 있으므로 주의하시기 바랍니다. 예약확인 후//에 접속하여 기숙사 예약 상태를 보실 수 있습니다.

비고: 예약가능 명단을 별도로 첨부하오니 참고하시고 관련 문의는 iccs206으로 해주시기 바랍니다.

Tel:64322824 64322452
E-mail: sabasportvip.com

상해사범대학교 대외중국어학원



すでに1年の学費を払った学生と交換留学生と本科生たちが2014年6月2日(月)朝8:00から5日(木)午後18:00の期間に、// ( IDは学生番号、パスワードは8桁の生まれの年月日)に登録して、自分が希望する部屋を予約してください。この期間にシステムに登録しない場合は学校の寮を放棄することになります。ご注意してください。

システムを登録して、部屋を予約した方は必ず2014年6月6日(金)に、パスポートと学生証を持参の上、ICCS 206室まで在学延期の手続きとビザをチェックし、予約した部屋を確認しに来ってください。手続きに来なければ部屋を入居することはできないので、ご注意ください。その後システムで自分の予約した状態をチェックできる。シングル部屋の数に限りがあるので、無くなり次第終了いたします。ご注意してください。

注:予約できる学生リストは別紙に参考してください。分からない場合にICCS 206室相談しに来てください。
連絡先:6432-2824 6432-2452
